How to Cut Costs on Your Homeowners Insurance Rates

Learn how to cut costs on homeowner's insurance
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Are you looking to save on homeowners insurance? This article will give you ways to reduce costs on your homeowners insurance rates. At Malhotra & Assoc. Insurance, we can help you find the most inexpensive home insurance that meets your needs. One of our licensed agents in Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, and Maryland will be able to answer any questions you may have and help you find the best rates!

Home security and protection both make a big difference for your insurance rates

Increasing the security of your home can decrease your insurance rates significantly. By setting up systems to protect your home, this makes your home cheaper to insure, because this makes it less likely for incidents covered by insurance to happen.

Installing smoke detectors and a fire sprinkler system in your home can decrease your rates as well as prevent fires or reduce damage from a fire in your home. Setting up an anti-theft security system or installing deadbolt locks can also get you discounts on your home insurance by reducing risk from a burglary.

Raise your deductible to lower insurance rates

By raising the amount of money you would pay in the case of having to make a claim, you can save on your monthly insurance rates. In the long run these savings can add up. Just be sure your deductible is low enough that you would be able to pay it in the event of an incident happening to your home.

Lay off of the small claims

If you are able to, try paying out of pocket for minor incidents that happen to your home. This will prevent your premium from increasing and your insurance company may even give you a discount for remaining claim free.

Bundling your home and auto coverages can cut costs on insurance rates

Many insurance providers will give discounts if you buy both home and auto insurances from them. Get in touch with one of our agents at Malhotra & Assoc. Insurance to see how you can bundle your home and auto insurance and save money!

Disclaimer: This blog post is meant for general informational purposes only and may not reflect your specific policy.

Aidan Das of Malholtra & Assoc

About the Author: Aidan has been a content expert for Malhotra & Assoc. Insurance for the past two years. Aidan is a recent graduate of MIami University in Oxford, OH. When she is not creating content for the insurance industry, Aidan is a Land Protection Professional with expertise in GIS technologies, easement acquisition and compliance, and conservation practices.

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