Can You Be On Medicare If You Are Not 65?

Can You Be On Medicare If You Are Not 65? Medicare benefits allow millions of seniors across the U.S. to access the health care services they need to live a healthy, secure life. While the usual Medicare eligibility requirement is that you must be above age 65, there is another way to qualify. Malhotra & […]
What is a Medicare Select Supplement Plan?

Medicare has many components, including supplemental plans you can purchase. Medicare Select is one such supplement plan. Our team of Medicare experts will show you your options so you can decide which coverage will work best for your needs. What is Medicare Supplement Insurance? Medicare Supplement Insurance is designed to fill the gaps that are […]
3 Questions to Ask Before Buying an Annuity

Annuities are a form of insurance that can help you prepare for retirement. If you are considering purchasing an annuity, you always want to do your research before making a purchase. For more than 25 years, our team has devoted their experience and expertise to giving our clients the knowledge to make empowered decisions for […]
What Are High Deductible Medigap Plans?

If you are looking into Medigap plans, you might want to consider a high deductible plan option for affordability and full coverage. Malhotra & Assoc. Insurance has a team of dedicated Medicare experts ready to help you. Contact our team for an individualized review of your coverage options. High Deductible Plan F Medigap Plan F […]
When Should I File a Homeowners Claim?

Being a homeowner comes along with having to deal with unexpected incidents that may happen to your home such as fire, fallen trees, or theft. But, how do you know if you should file a homeowners claim for certain situations? This article will take you through the things to consider when you are thinking about […]
Should I Get Homeowners Insurance Before Closing on a House?

Buying a house is one of the biggest investments you can make for you and your family. If you’re in the market for a new house, it’s definitely a stressful experience. In this article, we’ll help you understand when you might need to start considering homeowners insurance during the purchasing process and discuss how to […]
What Are the Differences Between Renters and Homeowners Insurance Coverage?

Are renters and homeowners insurance coverage the same? While homeowners and renters insurance both provide protection against the unknown, they do have similarities and differences. Both policies cover your personal property if it’s damaged or destroyed by a risk stated in your policy. Some of the most common covered risks are fire, theft, and falling […]
Should You Get Rental Car Insurance?

We’ve all driven a rental car during our adult lives on many different occasions. Maybe you were on vacation and needed a way to get around or needed a rental when your car was in the shop for repairs. This article discusses what coverage rental car company insurance provides and when it makes sense to […]
How Much Homeowners Insurance Do I Need?

The most common type of residence in the United States is a detached single-family home, which can be insured under one of five different policy forms. These forms all have varying coverages, and use cases. Our team of agents can help you choose which homeowners insurance coverage best suits your needs. Let our team in […]
How to Find the Best Auto Insurance for Seniors

As you enter your 60s and begin planning for retirement it’s a good time to become more mindful of how you invest your money and whether you’re getting the best value for it. This is true for both your auto insurance and your retirement nest egg. You should make sure you have adequate coverage based […]