Are you trying to find ways to save money on homeowners insurance? This article will dive into how adding security features to your home can help reduce insurance costs. At Malhotra & Assoc. Insurance, our expert insurance agents in Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, and Maryland can answer any questions you may have about home insurance and help you find the best rates!
Why do I need a home security system?
Protecting your home and belongings is important. By installing a security system you can prevent burglaries by deterring burglars from targeting your home. Security systems can give you peace of mind and lower your home insurance rates.
Homeowners insurance discounts for security systems.
Many insurance companies will give discounts if you have security systems or features in place. This is because security systems reduce the risk for a break in, burglary, or fire from happening, thus reducing how risky your home is to insure from the insurance company’s point of view.
Types of home security systems and features.
Smoke Alarms
By installing smoke detectors and a sprinkler system with fire alarms in your home can decrease your rates as well as prevent fires or reduce damage from a fire in your home.
Deadbolt Locks
Deadbolt locks prevent unwanted intruders from entering your home. By installing these locks to your home you could get a discount on home insurance.
Security Systems
A home security system can alert you or the authorities when someone has broken into your home. This means getting the help you need as soon as possible and keeping your family and belongings safe.
Gated Community
A gated community is another security measure that will keep intruders from even entering your neighborhood. Living in a gated community will decrease risk and give you even more discounts on your insurance.
To find out more about how you can save on home insurance get in touch with one of our agents at Malhotra & Assoc. We help you find the best insurance rates for your home!
Disclaimer: This blog post is meant for general informational purposes only and may not reflect your specific policy.

About the Author: Aidan has been a content expert for Malhotra & Assoc. Insurance for the past two years. Aidan is a recent graduate of MIami University in Oxford, OH. When she is not creating content for the insurance industry, Aidan is a Land Protection Professional with expertise in GIS technologies, easement acquisition and compliance, and conservation practices.